Mac vs. PC

No, this isn’t going to be a rant about the differences between Macs and PCs and/or why one is better than the other. This is more as a reminder for myself.

I keep forgetting that the brightness of a PC is less than that of a Mac. In order for Mac images to be properly shown on a PC, they have to be lighter than normal. Conversely, if you’re using a PC to create images that will predominantly be shown on Macs, they have to be just a tad darker in order to show up properly.

But I’m your basic lazy. The fastest way to get my Mac to show images as they’d be seen on a PC is to adjust the monitor settings to “equivalent to PC” by using Control Panel>Monitors. Of course, that makes everything look a lot darker… including my icons, my games and everything else. It takes a bit of getting used to, that’s for sure. It feels a bit gloomy now, to be honest.

About Cheryl

I'm free, white and over 21. Anything else is subject to change without notice. I'm also going back to school to learn more about web design.
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One Response to Mac vs. PC

  1. pinkiesue says:

    don’t you know by now pc is nothing but a box full of bugs!!!!! take it from a pc user

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