She Finally Figured It Out!!

Well, I know hoomans are a bit slow on the uptake, but Cheryl finally figured out why I get her out of bed at dawn. Cheryl’s a covers-hog and I only want to wake her up enough to tell her to share the warm, fuzzy blanket! Sheesh! You’d think it was rocket-science or something! I don’t need a pillow, but a share of that warm blanket when I’m the one sleeping under the window would be nice. It gets cold around dawn, you know.

Anyway, I can’t complain about Cheryl today. She ordered an extra set of treats for everyone. Seems the large envelope she got in the mail is good news and she’s letting everyone know. There’s a whole lot to this “student loan” thing that I don’t understand, but so long as it puts the good kibble in the dish and water in the jug, I’m happy. And I’m very happy that Cheryl is happy. Sheesh. Now that we’re all happy, will someone peel Cheryl off the ceiling before she floats away with happiness?

I’ve figured out why Sparky is called that. She’s like a runaway internal combustion engine – one spark and off she goes, which is a good description of what she’s like when she’s outside. One spark and she’s off along the wall, scooting through underneath Gloria’s porch, wide right turn for the side of Viriginia’s, hard right twice and back up along the fence. Another right and she comes screaming down the backstretch, heading for the shed. Right turn, right turn, and now she’s under Centry’s porch, back to our porch, up the steps and inside to the water dish. Then she does the lap in reverse. All at full speed. I think that’s the only speed that kitten has, you know.

About Joey

I'm a Pisces. I was born on March 13, 2005. I've been fixed since January, 2007 and I own a pet hooman named Cheryl. I'm an orange mackerel tom, weighing in at about 20 lbs. and I have apple jade eyes.
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